Monday, February 8, 2016

Article Review # 7

This article brings forth the facts that the United States Economy is facing decreasing job growth and a decreasing labor force participation rate. Furchtgott-Roth states that the March job creation statistics will be revised by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but still in their incomplete state only represent half of the predicted job growth, with only 126,000 jobs created. Additionally, the labor rate participate rate is declining, and is a statistic that will not be revised by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Over the past few years we have seen this general trend down in the labor participation rate despite slow economic growth. Moreover the current unemployment rate at 5.5 percent is only at its current level because over this recession people have been dropping out of the labor force. Furchtgott-Roth believes the solution is to have states manage welfare benefits again because they can better evaluate which residents need help. Whenever possible, regulations should be left to the states so that these rules can be better streamlined and adapted to geographic and demographic circumstances.

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